Thursday, 10 January 2013

PositivityLiving Day 03

     Yes, starting a year on the 8th is a problem, but that is what happened.  I knew there was something special I wanted to do for this year and it took me 7 days to come up with it. 
     You'll remember my blog from three days ago - living a year of positivity!  Well, so far,it is paying off in a big way! 
     Yesterday, I was out shopping and ran into someone I've know for several years.
    "You look great," she said, "what are you doing differently?"
      Do you know, at that very minute, I couldn't think of a thing.
    "Whatever it is, keep doing it!" she said.
 It wasn't until later that I realized, a positive attitude does make a difference in how someone looks!  They will probably look more rested (and I am sleeping better), youthful (less to worry and fret about) and generally have a more relaxed demeanour.  Three for three.  And, let's face it - who wouldn't want to look more youthful?
     There are so many benefits to living positively, but, I hadn't considered how it would change your appearance.  Now, more than ever, I'm committed to this journey. 
     Now, I would really like to hear from you - let me know what changes you're making - and how is it affecting you?
     Leave your comments - they will be read! And, they may even assist someone else who is currently struggling with their own issues of negativity. 
     It's only been three days and if changes can be noticeable in that time, think of the impact an entire year will have. 
     Join the positivity year and make a difference in your outlook, health, finances, relationships, focus.  As always, it won't be the same if I'm the only one talking, so, join the group.  Either here or on facebook.
Until next time.


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