Thursday, 24 January 2013

Week 3

It really is incredible; positivity makes a difference in your life!  Not just meditation and visualization, but, actually living in a positive frame of mind, day in and day out! It does take a bit of work on a daily basis, when something goes wrong and your first instinct is less than a positive one you have to take that deep breath, smile and look for the positive.  Yes, smile.  It’s amazing, but, when you smile, your whole attitude takes a shift.  I do tend to smile a lot, now.  But, the point is to get up and get back on track, intentionally removing the negative aspects from your life. 

Thursday, 10 January 2013

PositivityLiving Day 03

     Yes, starting a year on the 8th is a problem, but that is what happened.  I knew there was something special I wanted to do for this year and it took me 7 days to come up with it. 
     You'll remember my blog from three days ago - living a year of positivity!  Well, so far,it is paying off in a big way! 
     Yesterday, I was out shopping and ran into someone I've know for several years.
    "You look great," she said, "what are you doing differently?"
      Do you know, at that very minute, I couldn't think of a thing.
    "Whatever it is, keep doing it!" she said.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

2013 Year of Positivity

This is a short blog today, but, it will be one of many this year.  I would like to intro my year of positivity!  Actually, I want everyone to live positively this year!
Living positively does not mean living recklessly, throwing caution to the wind, but, instead of focusing on the negatives that occur (and occur they will), shift that focus to the positive.

How are we going to get that done?  See, I'm already including you in this year of living positively.  We're not going to just say, we're not going to say anything negative.  When you want to quit one
behavior/habit, your brain/body looks for a replacement.

Much of what we do on a daily basis is muscle memory; opening doors, walking, starting the car – things that don’t require a lot of thought.  If you have a bad habit that you want to eliminate - smoking, over-eating, sitting too long, you have to replace it with something else, or your body will go back to reaching for cigarettes, food, relaxing on the sofa.  It could very well be the reason people say they gain weight when they are trying to quit smoking.  The body’s muscle memory is trying to replicate what it already knows to do – the hand brings something to the mouth.   

If you don't give it something else to do, it will go back to what it knows.

Give yourself time for the change to work.  Initially, it takes effort or attention to get it done.  Once the change is complete, your brain will take over and you don’t have to consciously think about it anymore.  It will have become part of your body’s muscle memory. 

The same can be said for your thought processes.  If you don’t specifically give your brain something to think about, it will roam around and light on whatever amuses it at the time.  How else do you explain reality TV, reruns, etc.  It’s a formula that works.   

So, how do we turn this year into a positive year?  By the same method we teach our body to accept a new habit/behavior – repetition.  This year, in your posts, conversations, actions, even your thoughts, dwell on the positive. If a situation is negative, harness your thoughts and actions for a positive outcome.
Make a change and make a difference!
Want to take the challenge?
Join me - you may also be able to call me out on it, if I don't!
Happy 2013 everyone!!

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