Monday, 14 November 2016

Creating Synergies

When I think of creating synergies, I think of the countless not for profits in communities all over the world that work tirelessly to ensure relief to those struggling, with health, finance, housing or any of a host of other issues. They work, often, only focusing within their own bubble. If this could change - what might happen then?  How would creating partnerships with other organizations allow each individually to make a greater difference? Synergistic cooperation could multiply the reach and effect each of the organizations already have and ensure the ongoing success of much needed programs.

What's the problem? 

There is only so much time not profits and service organizations can devote to research on how to stretch their resources. By working synergistically, they could create a larger vibrant interconnected system that would harness all the best of each organization and make greater impact within respective communities. 

People, by nature, are protectionists.  They protect their property, their family, their job.  No one wants to be considered redundant, and so, we create obstacles to efficiency, due to this mindset.  When we can step outside of ourselves and see the benefits to sharing, knowledge, resources, contacts, we will start on a path towards a more fruitful, lasting partnership. 

If your organization, whatever it may be, worked in partnership with other organizations, there wouldn't be, or needn't be duplication of services.  

How to Make the Change?
Most organizations have strategic planning sessions, indeed, I have facilitated some myself, but, they don't usually have a strategic planning session with other organizations.  This type of planning is not unheard of, but, it is rare.  

No one organization can be all things to all people and would fail miserably if they tried, but, by creating partnerships with other like-minded organizations, they would then have the tools developed for referral, so that their clients don't have to try to track down every lead by themselves.  And a bonus to not trying to fill every need is the reduced amount of space and allocation of funds you will need. 

Why Can't We Do it All? 

Every organization is organized around an ideal – a vision.  And, each one would also have a mission.  I have never heard of an organization whose mission read that they would like to be all things to all people.  That would never have entered their minds when creating the organization.  These things grow as a result of need and also of organizations that don’t visit their mission statement often enough.

A few years ago, I was a board member for an organization that had been running a very successful program, however, it was outside their stated vision and mission and it was determined that resources could no longer be allocated for this program.  Not wanting to the leave the community without the program, it was offered to other not for profits, but, there were no takers, leaving the program in peril.  There was bad press, as there would be and really there needn't have been as another not for profit stepped up eventually and saved the program and it fit in better with there mission than the previous organization.  

So, what happened to create the bad press?  The organizations didn't have a joint meeting where the reason for the first organization's decision to step back from the program could be discussed and a solution found.  The first organization may have rationalized that the other organizations wouldn't want to see a successful program fail and would see the benefit in knowing it had run for several years and there would not be the same resource commitment, as if it was brand new.  

A meeting of minds can produce powerful change and ensure your organization can focus on what it is best at doing.  See if you can’t make a synergistic change in your community and let us know how you make out. 

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