Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Life without Regret

Can you imagine, getting to the end of your life, having done all the things you ever wanted to do?  
Most of us can't.  
The question then becomes, have I always included things I really want to do in my day to day life? Again no?  
There are some who can draw themselves out a very detailed life plan and spend their life fulfilling their plan.  Are these the people who have it all figured out?  
Again, no! 
Figuring it out, isn't what life is all about.  In the end, most people who think they had it all figured out, really, didn't.  So, how are you to know?  How do you know that when you get to the end of your life, you won't be full of regrets?  Purpose! 
I'll tell you about two people, both professionals, both driven, both seemingly having it all figured out.  I'm using their stories here without their permission, so, I will not name them. 

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Hacker Who Exposed Steubenville Rape Case Could Spend More Time Behind Bars Than The Rapists | ThinkProgress

Can you imagine, if this happened in your family, would you care how the truth came to light?  Hacker Who Exposed Steubenville Rape Case Could Spend More Time Behind Bars Than The Rapists | ThinkProgress
This person had no stake in the results other than justice - that should not be discounted.  
Do what matters!

Friday, 26 July 2013

Surviving and Thriving, or are You?

There are so many safety measures in place now for children, that the only way I can explain making it to my age without them is, survival!   

We don't want our children to just survive, so, we've created car seats that cradle your newborn and keep them secure until you get where you're going; high chairs and strollers with 5-point safety straps; helmets for them to ride trikes or bikes.  And of course there are various and sundry other safety items that keep them from scraping their knees or elbows in a fall, safety gates for stairs, closer set bars in their cribs, painted without leaded paint.  Yes, children are safer now, physically. 

When we were children, we enjoyed the exploration of our world with some limitations.  Our parents would give us dire warnings about certain aspects and they expected we would abide.  And abide we did, because, the thought of repercussions for non-adherence was greater than our curiosity.  

That did not always prevent us going past the line, but, in general it did.  We weren't given a lot of instructions, but, those we were, we knew were meant to be obeyed. And some instructions came in really handy - my Dad told me to never let an animal know you're afraid of it - which came in extremely useful the day I encountered a pack of dogs who didn't appear to be friendly at all. Quaking in my boots, I stood my ground and walked ever so slowly backwards towards an escape route.  Fortunately, for me, I think they were just as glad I left their property.  Thanks Dad!  

So, now, we're all grown up and have no one to tell us that there could be danger around the next corner, mostly metaphorically speaking.  It's up to each one of us to explore those things that could bring us the success we desire.  We have to stand our ground and forge ahead, quaking and all, towards the vision we have created for ourselves.  Your vision is your end game and unless you're willing to play, you won't get there.  Safety in all things is not an option!  

How do we measure our risk appetite?  Start small if you like, but, start. You're not likely to stumble across success, you have work to do.  Get it done. Risk failure - fail even - but, don't stop.  

Be like Thomas Edison, who found nearly 10,000 ways something wasn't going to work, before, he found the thing that did.  Or, like James Lee Burke, a prolific writer, but, one who was rejected over 100 times before he was published the first time.  What kept them going?  Likely, they had a vision. They knew what they wanted to do, what they could do and they weren't ready to quit. 

Your success is your own.  There is no magic wand; what there is - vision, mission, values.  Put them to work for you and you will succeed.  Adapt along the way, since you may have to follow some different paths before you get to where you're going.  But, don't give up.  If you know where you're going and you're adaptable to the means of getting there.  It can be done!

Success stories are all around you - write your own and go for it!  If you don't believe me, check out this author, who had a near death experience before he really plugged in to the thing that he knew he would do - someday! Don't let your someday slip by you because you're too busy with your day to day.  

Let 'your day' start today - live positively, enjoy the ride - do what matters!

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Efficient vs Effective

How are you measuring efficiency?  And how does it differ from effectiveness? 
If it were the furnace or air conditioner in your home, you would likely say, it was efficient if it was delivering the best results for the least amount of energy consumed.  It could still be effective, heating and cooling, without being efficient.  
If you think of this in terms of work, that would equate to the best results with a minimum of effort and/or resources spent.  
So, why, if that's the case, do we continue to reward those who waste the resources of the company, agency (government or otherwise) with high salaries and bonuses?  
In short, it's really as simple as, a bad contract - which is your inefficient way of hiring.   
A typical contract contains information about compensation and benefits, but, rarely addresses specific performance aspects.  Why?  Most companies don't know exactly what the benchmarks should be and most boards of directors are likewise in the dark.  If they don't know, they can't write it in.  And, of course the legal office assisting is usually just as uninformed as the board of directors.  
Your organization should be very specific about what you want your new hire to do, but, it should not only be effective (finding someone to fill a spot) but, efficient (finding the right person to fill that spot).  You can effectively hire and give that person the resources to get the work done, or, you can hire someone who will work efficiently and effectively.  Basically, this is the proactive approach to hiring vs. the reactive approach of hiring to fill a spot.
So, how do you hire efficiently?  Get to know who you are as an organization and find out what you want to get done.  Then, when you're writing out a contract, you will know exactly what you need someone to do and how you want them to get it done - efficiently!   And get rid of buyout clauses.  If someone isn't working out, you should be able to get rid of them without paying out an additional 18 months or more, for the privilege.  They are, after all, your employee, not, your partner. 
Happy (head) hunting!

What Good Historians Do

History is full of stories that could easily put you to sleep.  Historians are story tellers and can tell those stories in a purely dry and fact based manner; or, they can show their love of history and show you aspects of historical characters that will affect how you see them.  Enjoy this session, but, give yourself time, it is lengthy! 

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Brain Power

It has been oft reported that we only use approximately 10% of our brain power in our lifetime.  Is that accurate?  Even if it isn't, what if we only use 50% of our brain power in our lifetime? Is that adequate to you? 
The idea that we only use a fraction of our available brain power is distressing, isn't it?  It is to me.  
So, I got to thinking - what do I think about?  Is it relevant?  Is it worth thinking about at all?  For instance, yesterday, as I walked through a giant warehouse chain and watched people shopping in their clothing department, I wanted to become an active advocate against 'sweat shops'. Actually, I have written about it on my Corporate Bits and Bites fb site.  It is anathema to me that people have to die to put clothes on our backs.  Especially, since those very clothes are not necessary, but, a 'fashion statement'.  This is exactly what occured when 'sweat shop' employees (over 1200) died recently in a building collapse.  
Can I be quiet about this?  Should I be quiet about this?  Everyone has seen the same news casts, haven't they?  The answer might be yes to all of those statements, however, I can't get the uneasy feeling that more should be done to draw attention to this than has been done in the past.  
Why are we so enamored with fashion that we refuse to see the conditions of the that production?  
So, what can I or you, do about it?  I'll tell you what I'll do about it - every time I see a violation or hear a new cast about such abuses, I will post it to this site and all of my sites. And, I will not be buying these articles any longer.  Now, what will you do about it?   If you see abuses and it's one of your favourite designers, are you going to boycott or will you hope they have learned their lessen and keep on buying from them?  It's easier when it's someone you don't know - but, what if it was your son or daughter?  Would you want others to pay attention?  I know I would.  
Let me know, are you with us?   

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Change Your Mind, Change Your Reality!

You really do go farther, reach higher and last longer, with a positive attitude.  And, others around you benefit too!
Imagine your family getting only positive feedback from you on everything they do!  How would that affect them?  

What if, you stopped thinking about all the things you don't want in your life and started thinking and being thankful for all the good things you already have and those you will have in the future?  

Now, what if you took that same positive spirit into the board room,  the corporate office, the job site?  We know that being proactive is much more effective than being reactive.  You know what I mean - how many times have you heard someone say they spend their day 'putting out fires' - and they're not a fireman!  Encourage the proactive work and soon there will be less reactive work to do.  Employees will become engaged!  And, as everyone already knows, an engaged employee far exceeds one who is working for the wage!  

You have the power to do this, even if you're not the boss, just by changing your own responses.  Most everyone has been in a job that was not right for them and it  became painful just to go to work.  What if, you went to that job, thankful for it?  What would change in your life if while you were working there and being grateful for the work and remaining optimistic, cheerful and proactive?  You would be keeping your options open to other opportunities, which don't present themselves to someone who it miserable, negative, angry and reactive.  Since the only real change you can make is to yourself, start there!  

Think about the positive.  Don't think about the negative in positive terms, ie, I'm glad to have this job to get my debts paid off.  Think and act in a positive manner.  When you think, 'only 8 more hours to go until the weekend and I can enjoy myself, you're really thinking I've got 8 more arduous hours to work here before anything good happens in my life.  When you say, if I have time, you're really saying, I'll never make time.    

Re-framing your thoughts, words and deeds is going to take a little while.  Everyone slips into their usual routines from time to time.  When you find yourself doing this, remember, you are the only one who can change you!  And you are the only one, you can change.  

What have you experienced by changing your mind, thoughts and actions?  Leave us a message, we would love to hear from you. 

Thursday, 4 July 2013

The Leader in You!

Tommy Douglas, the father of medicare in Canada once said,

"Man can now fly in the air like a bird, swim under the ocean like a fish, he can burrow into the ground like a mole. Now if only he could walk the earth like a man, this would be paradise."
Mr. Douglas was an immigrant to Canada, born of Scottish parents (1904) in the UK. He was a sickly child who grew up to become a pastor and then a politician.  Now, no one is perfect, even Tommy Douglas, but, when the going got tough, he persevered and today Canadians enjoy basic health care.  What if he had not?

Understanding purpose can make the difference in what you do and why you do it.  

Great leaders are not born, they are created.  Someone may seem like a good leader - charismatic, engaging, until they see a serious challenge arising.  Then, you will see what they are really made of in what they do.  

A great leader will stand fast, engage their team and work to a resolution. A purely political leader will look for the next opportunity that will make him/her look good.  What type of leader are you?  

Doing what matters is not always the easy thing, but, it should always be the only thing!  Others are depending on you.  Be great - do what matters!  

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