Thursday, 26 April 2012

The 'Whats' of Passion

OK – update – last week we began our series on passion with the ‘whys’.  You may remember them, but, here they are again.
Why do we spend our precious few years here on earth toiling at a dead-end job in an arena that is not entirely of our choosing?
Why do we not follow our passions more?
Why do we have a thousand excuses for continuing to be a slave to mediocrity when our brilliance is waiting on the periphery for us to recognize our true calling?
            This week these questions may be more fully explored in this entry.  Better known as the ‘whats’.
What is keeping you where you are and preventing you from moving forward?
What is preventing you from following your passion on a part time basis?
What excuse are you using to stay right where you are?
If you were able to answer the ‘whys’ from last week and only you can answer them, then, you can also answer the ‘whats’. 

            Often, the more you delve into a problem, the more you find the answers are within, not without.  That is, buried somewhere in your own mind.  There it sits all of the dreams you had as a child that went the way of the Black Rhino.  Yes, there are always external forces that claim some responsibility, but, the real culprit is you!  The person who didn’t want to rock the boat, the one who couldn’t or wouldn’t see their own potential following their passion.  The person who thought it was easier to go along and get along.  Or, the one who landed a well paying job and couldn't see their way clear to leave it for uncertainty.  Does any of this sound familiar?  Well hang on – there’s more.  I’m not going to blame it all on you.  There are reasons you have done what you did and some of them are here.  There’s your environment, the family you grew up in, the school system you attended and most likely the results from the first few tentative steps you took towards your passion.  It’s all the more damaging when the thing you are passionate about is completely outside the interest area of any of your intimate group, family, friends or colleagues.
            So, if from last week’s entry you did exam the ‘whys’ and you start to compare them with the ‘whats’ from this week, you may begin to see a pattern emerging, one that has become the pattern for your life.
            Every step should be taken thoughtfully, but, should be taken.  You won’t move forward if you’re putting things off until the stars align or that someone in the field you want to be in notices how brilliant you are and offers you work.  This is a journey of self discovery and awareness.  This is where you should start putting your thoughts down on paper on a regular basis, so that you can see them.  Or, if you have the ability, hiring a coach to assist you would be a good investment.  But, even if it’s just researching your area of passion, you will be moving forward. Another area to begin would be in volunteering, especially if it’s in an area that corresponds with your passion.  You never know who you’re going to meet or what insights you’re going to get from this experience.  And, you’ll be benefitting others so, you can’t lose. 
            So, now we’ve covered how to start moving forward and getting to work towards your passion in a part time way, now, what about getting to it.  Can you think of any reason why you can’t get started?  No?  Well, good, let’s get going and see what can be done in the next week, before we move on to the ‘when’s.  Of course, if you’ve been following, you’ll know where I’m going with this.  ‘Til next time.

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