Tuesday, 27 December 2011

The Ghost of Christmas Past!

It's difficult, don't you think, to live up to the Ghost of Christmas past.  You remember, the Christmas we,...You can't beat the Christmas of,...I'll  never have another Christmas like this one (which will become Christmas past).  We all have them don't we?  The perfect Christmas!  At least that's how we remember them.

We try to make everything perfect, the right gift for the right person, the best parties, the get togethers, the celebrations.  But, each one will eventually become the past.  And, how will we remember them.  Will they be something we strive to replicate at another time?  

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Inertia to Engaged in 4 Easy Steps

Inertia is insidious, in lives and in business.   Inertia is derived from the Latin iners - idle or lazy.  It can really apply to us during the summer months can't it?  But, we call that R&R and we really do need that too! When it becomes really destructive is when it is brought into your work-a-day life.

In our lives we can experience inertia at work whether we're responsible for it or not.  You know what I'm talking about - the job you're in just isn't doing it for you anymore, or the direction of the company is not compatible with your inner code of values, but, you're too dependent on the pay cheque, benefit package and the pension plan to make any changes.  And, you justify, the times are so uncertain.  So, you continue on day after day, plodding through the mire and hoping against hope that it will get better.  The fact is, you don't even see how bad it is until, if you’re lucky, you have left the job behind.  Let's hope it's not at retirement! 

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