Tuesday, 22 May 2012

The Meaning of Success!

Success is measured differently, by different people.  Success to a child may be learning to tie their shoelaces or earning their first dollar.  Success to an adult is much the same, the first job, first car, etc.  What I consider success may not be your standard.  So, how do you know when someone is successful?  Ask them – plain and simple. 

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Reclaiming a Passionate Life

            Passion can become all encompassing!

            When you start unleashing the passion in your life, you’re going to find direction and focus and ultimately, the reason you are here on this earth.  So many people never get to the point of fully living their passion because of the demands of daily life.     
             By now, you have been revealing through self examination, the when, why, what of your passion and of course the ‘who’ is you and ‘where’ is just where you are now.  
             Now, sit back and let’s do a bit of reminiscing.  Go back in your mind to a time when you were living fully as you.  Who you are, doing what you love to do, doing it when you want to do.  How far back did you have to go?  Are you a young adult, teenager, preteen or younger? Has it surprised you how far back you had to go?

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Passion - Moving Forward!

          Let’s get a bit of your passion in your life, shall we?  What could be more satisfying, even in lean times, than knowing without a doubt, that you are doing what you were meant to do, maybe even what you have dreamt of doing should you no longer need to earn a living.   

          By now you know the routine, review, and then move on.  Last week we covered the ‘whens’ of following your passion.  To ensure we’re all on the same page, we’ll take one last look at the ‘whens’,‘whys and whats’ before we move on.

Saturday, 5 May 2012


     This blog was first posted about three years ago on my old blog and again last year, here.  But, recently, I have been reminded that volunteers are still struggling to understand their function within an organizarion and quite often experiencing the feeling of expendability, thrust upon them by many people who utilize the efforts of volunteers and when an inconvenience arises, abandons them. 
     I have have found working with volunteers  to be so complex and this avenue (blog) does not lend itself to complex issues, that I nearly didn't address it at all.  But, in the spirit of 'finishing what I start', I've decided to, in a small way, address the animal most at risk - the volunteer.
     As much as I would like to say working with non-profits, charities and organizations is a rewarding experience - which it is - it can also be a frustrating one, as many hundreds of thousands of volunteers have found out.  It can also be frustrating for the person responsible for recruiting volunteers. 
    To be sure, many organizations wouldn't get things done without volunteers, however, voluntarism in general has dropped. Why is that the case?
    Judging from the stories I've heard and work I've done with these types of organizations there are three main reasons I've identified for volunteer apathy and/or attrition.  Communication, Resources, Briefing and Debriefing. 

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The 'Whens' of Passion and the Exceptional Person

           An exceptional person doesn’t despise adversity, they overcome it!  When life gives them lemons, they don’t just make lemonade, they make a whole line of lemon products.  Then they plant the seeds and compost the rinds!

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