Monday, 9 January 2012

Good Customer Service

I don’t know how many company 'Value Statements' I have read which proclaim the customer experience is the reason for their existence, yet find that the actual customer experience is anything but exemplary!  We believe we know what to do, but, the delivery remains unsatisfactory.

How do we get it so wrong?  Let’s examine one story.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Welcome 2012!

It’s a new day, in a New Year – 2012! 
This year promises to hold exceptional opportunities, just like last year did, but, we need to identify these and grab hold and make them our opportunities!

I’ve been blessed this past year with good friends, absolutely brilliant colleagues and a family to make everything else a bonus.  I wish this to each and every one of you for this coming year. 

Are you working?  Do you enjoy your job?  If not, why not?  If so, are you giving it 100% or are you coasting? 

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